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Mmmm... YAY! ^___^
Hee hee, that was unexpected! But I'm not complaining! I loved it!
Sooo... The logical solution to Elrond's problem would obviously be... super hawt sticky violent three way elf sex, riiiight? ;P
Hahahaha, anyway still love this story =D
Author's Response:
Yeah, that one would be fun but i satisfied my urge for one of those with "Three Passions, One Love" besides that would not go over well with the serious tone of the fiction and Elrond dosen't strike me as one to share and Glorfindel is becoming possessive as well, if i added it i would probably add violence and Glorifndel and Elrond would wind up killing one another and then Thranduil would be all alone *pout* you can write one if ya want though *wink* ^_~ Thanks for the review!