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Summary: A bit of Viggo/Legolas Flashbacks - Haldir/Glorfindel. Viggo and Craig hung out as buddies. The year is 12 August, 2002. Something happens to those two and they end up in Middle Earth, Rivendell. The year is after the War of the Rings and the elves did not go to the Undying Land following this. Glorfindel's lover is Haldir, who died in Helm's Deep. Glorfindel was heartbroken. But the twins and Legolas ask him to go Hunting with them. Glorfindel, Legolas and the twins find Viggo and Craig fighting with some Orcs. When Glorfindel first saw Craig, he thought Craig was Haldir. Craig was cut by an Orc and after that he start to have a high fever. The Elves and Viggo take him to Rivendell to Lord Elrond. Viggo is so tired and falls asleep, but Legolas wakes him up...And he asked Orlando to stop playing a fool with him... Legolas said 'Who is Orlando?. And Who are you?' Glorfindel takes care of Craig. Viggo pop into the room with Legolas after seeing Rivendell and is a bit shocked that he and Craig are in the real Middle-earth.... Glorfindel sings to Craig because Craig was having bad dreams... song is from Saliva 'Bleed for me' Craig got well and started to fall for Glorfindel. Viggo and Craig were called by Elrond, who asks them some questions. Craig asked Elrond if he look like one guy called Haldir, because Glorfindel always calls him that. Elrond told him yes, and told them about Glorfindel and Haldir's story. Flashbacks - Glorfindel and Haldir were having fun and singing and hunting. And one part where Glorfindel and Haldir were in Helm's deep. Glorfindel saw Haldir getting axed by an Uruk-Hai. Glorfindel took Haldir's body to the Rivendell where he buried him, and Glorfindel locked himself for weeks. Legolas's Flashback - Legolas was in love with Aragorn, but did not tell him...Aragorn married Arwen. When Legolas was thinking of the past, Viggo popped in and said hi to Legolas. For the next few months or years, Viggo and Craig stay in Rivendell. Craig got close to Glorfindel and Viggo got close to Legolas. They sometime go riding to Mirkwood, the Golden Wood, Gondor etc. Glorfindel asks Craig to marry/bond with him. Craig said yes! And the Big Wedding. Glorfindel Sing to Craig: the song is 'Bring Me to Life' by Evanescence. Many months after the Wedding Galadriel and Celeborn found a path for Viggo and Craig to go back to their world. But Craig did not want to. Celeborn told them that this was their last path road to their world. If they did not go back to their world, the path would be closed and they would be in Middle earth forever. Viggo and Craig have to go. But Glorfindel give Craig his ring. And told him that he will find Craig if it takes him forever. Viggo and Craig went back to their real world... When they woke up they were in the NZ Hospital And Viggo ask what date was it. Elijah said that it was 23 August 2002 and they were in a coma. Viggo and Craig was shocked. After the LOTR cast and people left their room, Viggo ask Craig if the Middle-earth thing was real. Craig said that he didn't know. But he found Glorfindel's ring on him.... For a about a year later, Craig was very sad and lonely. He sometime hung out with Viggo or Orlando or Hugo weaving. In One of the party in NZ, the ending of the filming for the LOTR, Craig was sitting in somewhere at the lake side looking at Glorfindel's ring... The Background Music in the party was Evanescence 'My Immortal'. And someone walked in by Craig side and said, 'Do you know that it is so hard and painful to find you, Craig?' Craig knew who that person's voice was and turned around. It was Glorfindel in modern clothes but still looking the same. The eyes, the face, the hair (he will never cut his hair. lol) Craig hugs him and cries. Viggo saw Craig and Glorfindel. He was very happy for him. And Craig saw Viggo and ran to him and said that Glorfindel is here! Glorfindel asked Craig and Viggo if they were to go with him to see the rest. They said yes. Viggo kind of missed Legolas. And they left with Glorfindel to the Undying land or Middle-earth to see Elrond and the rest. Glorfindel and Craig live happy ever after... (Craig became an elf). It can be PG-13, G , R, NC 17.
Categories: RPS, FPS Characters: Craig Parker, Glorfindel
Categories: RPS, FPS Characters: Craig Parker, Glorfindel