A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other

Summary: Faramir is captured and brought to a distant land as a prisoner (Harad, Khand or any other place of your choice). His fair noble looks win him the favour of the local king, who takes the Gondorian prince into his harem. But soon Faramir learns the blood-curdling truth: the lord sleeps with a particular man only once – and on the morrow the unfortunate fellow is beheaded. The king had once been cheated on by his long-term lover, and now keeps revenging himself for his pain and humiliation… So, by the time Faramir is called into the royal bedroom, he has a plan. After all the passions are satisfied, Faramir asks if the lord would like to be entertained by a story (let’s assume they, being noble and educated, have between the two of them a tongue both can understand). The king gives him permission to begin – but Faramir soon notices his master is getting bored, and thus the Gondorian decides to spice things up and add some intimate content. This reawakens the royal attention, and thus Faramir resolves to telling a tale from his personal adventures (which there were many of) – but in the most interesting place the morning catches him, and he has to stop. The king is so keen on learning how the story ends, he decides to spare Faramir for the day and kill him the following morning, after they spend another night together, and the man finishes his narrative. But, naturally, the following morning comes right in the middle of another captivating tale of Faramir’s – and thus it goes on…
Categories: FPS, FPS > Faramir/? Characters: None
Summary: Faramir is invited to Legolas’ Ithilien residence for the celebrating the Elf’s 2,532nd birthday. Towards the morning, the host and a handful of the sturdiest guests, including Faramir, set to playing a card game, an Elven version of strip-poker. The rest, I expect, needs no further explanation on my behalf.
Categories: FPS, RPS > ?/?, FPS > Faramir/?, FPS > Legolas/? Characters: None
Summary: A few years after the War Aragorn, Faramir and another, Man or Elf (it could even be Boromir, if you like), are on some business up in the Mountains, when an avalanche descends on them. The three would either be in a hunter’s house or a large mountain cave, with a small supply of firewood and provisions, so they can last a few days. But there is extremely little hope of salvation, for the snow has dead-blocked all exits, and no one is likely to find and dig them out. You get the psychological atmosphere of the situation. All three are close friends, but no romantic relationships had arisen between them up to this point. But now… You know, desperation, depression, mad hopes, inescapable doom and no future… And then they just run out of fire-wood, and it’s winter up in the mountains. Up to you whether to make this into a tragic tale of hopeless love awakening only to be soon forever extinguished, as the frost takes them one by one – or have a happy end where at the last moment they are saved. You can also choose, of course, to have a bit of both, when not all of the company manage to make it through
Categories: FPS, FPS > Aragorn/?, FPS > Aragorn/Boromir, FPS > Aragorn/Boromir/Faramir, FPS > Boromir/Faramir, FPS > Faramir/?, FPS > Faramir/Aragorn Characters: None
Summary: Faramir’s secret diary is discovered. Somebody, Man or Elf, has a hopeless crush on Faramir. Lovesick and yearning to get close to the Steward at least in some way, he sneaks into Faramir’s rooms to see how the man lives. Inadvertently the admirer finds Faramir’s personal diary, where the owner’s covert desperate yearning for Aragorn is revealed. Knowing he would never get to have Faramir by any other method, the discoverer takes the diary and resolves to blackmailing the Steward into regularly lying with him, or otherwise Aragorn would come to find the little notebook right on his bedside table. Faramir is absolutely certain the King would scorn him if he knew, so he agrees to whatever is asked of him (which is not to say he finds the process entirely devoid of pleasure...). This may go on for quite a while – but then I would like it if somehow Aragorn began to get suspicious: the Steward has been acting strangely as of late, etc.
Categories: FPS, FPS > Aragorn/Faramir, FPS > Faramir/? Characters: None
Summary: Somebody, Man or Elf, has a hopeless crush on Faramir. Lovesick and yearning to get close to the Steward at least in some way, he sneaks into Faramir’s rooms to see how the man lives. Inadvertently the admirer finds Faramir’s personal diary, where the owner’s covert desperate yearning for Aragorn is revealed. Knowing he would never get to have Faramir by any other method, the discoverer takes the diary and resolves to blackmailing the Steward into regularly lying with him, or otherwise Aragorn would come to find the little notebook right on his bedside table. Faramir is absolutely certain the King would scorn him if he knew, so he agrees to whatever is asked of him (which is not to say he finds the process entirely devoid of pleasure…). This may go on for quite a while – but then I would like it if somehow Aragorn began to get suspicious: the Steward has been acting strangely as of late, etc.
Categories: FPS, FPS > Aragorn/Faramir, FPS > Faramir/? Characters: None
Summary: Faramir is in his mid-twenties when he sets on a regular mission with the Rangers and – is lost… After all search fails and all hopes have to be given up, his brother, best friend and lover mourns for him deeply. But then, two years later, Faramir returns entirely unharmed – only different… It turns out he had ended up in the Golden Wood, where he had come to know the Elves – and learned many an interesting thing from them, some of which he is eager to not only tell about, but demonstrate to his overjoyed brother.
Categories: FPS, FPS > Boromir/Faramir, FPS > Faramir/? Characters: None
Summary: The Steward goes to the Wood of Greenleaves on a diplomatic mission to discuss the details of the Elven settlement that King Thranduil’s son wants to set up in Ithilien. Much as Faramir is fascinated by the Fair Folk, he knows little of them and is much worried their ways may be so different from those of Men, that it will be difficult for the two peoples to comfortably coexist. Sensing his unease, the receiving side (which may include Prince Legolas himself, if you like) eagerly sets to eliminating all gaps in Faramir’s knowledge of the Elven life-style.
Categories: FPS, FPS > Faramir/? Characters: None
Summary: One night, Steward Faramir wakes up with a jolt to find himself tied to his own bed: blindfolded, gagged, naked and – oh, Valar! – in the company of another man. Faramir’s initial indignation and anger are soon replaced by fear, once he understands this is no silly joke and the stranger has quite serious purposes – and Faramir can neither free himself nor call for help. However, once he stops struggling, he realises his guest has no intention of hurting him, and is in fact being rather gentle and patient. So, given his lack of options, Faramir cooperates, and actually quite enjoys himself… But he has not an inkling who his lover is – even when the scarf from his mouth is removed to let them kiss and he begs for a name, the stranger gives no reply. Faramir cannot even tell whether it is Man or Elf. He has a smooth face, but so do many Men in Minas Tirith (now, let us assume that Aragorn, since Professor T had never said otherwise, does shave at least once in a while – so technically it could be him also). Faramir never gets another visit – but has to admit that he would actually like to. So here is the mystery part: he wants to find out who it was he had shared his bed with, and ask him some questions and possibly, well, do some things. I would like there to be some good suspense, preferably three likely candidates, each with some points in favour of him being Faramir’s nightly guest – please keep us guessing until the very end. And, well, how things develop after the discovery is up to you.
Categories: FPS, FPS > Faramir/? Characters: None
Summary: The wall separating Boromir’s and Faramir’s bedrooms is not as thick as Boromir would have liked. His little brother has a rather eventful personal life, constantly shagging someone, or perhaps getting shagged – Boromir would rather not know. Usually the big brother grins and bears it. But one night, when all the moans, yelps, screams of “faster, faster!” and “fuck me hard, Captain Faramir!” won’t stop even after three in the morning, Boromir decides he has had enough. But as the door to Faramir’s bedroom is opened after Boromir’s furious banging, the heir’s ire abates a little – for he is greeted by the sight of his brother in full glory: unclothed, blushed and sweaty, raven hair in a mess, and with an impressive arousal to finish the picture. Moreover, behind him on the bed Boromir can see two young cadets, fresh but not innocent at all... Still, Boromir tries shouting – but Faramir is only grinning broadly in return. Yes, he already has an idea how to solve this conflict of interest…
Categories: FPS, FPS > Boromir/?, FPS > Faramir/? Characters: None
Summary: All Gondorian noblemen learn the High Tongue, at least the basics. But the Steward’s sons should know it well, so a real Elf is hired as a tutor. He is the first of the Fair Folk to be seen in Gondor for ages, and attracts lots of attention – Faramir in particular finds him entirely fascinating… Naturally, the young lord ends up getting a bit more than the education his father is paying for. Boromir finds out and does not approve… Why exactly does he not approve? Mm, you decide.
Categories: FPS, FPS > Boromir/?, FPS > Faramir/? Characters: None
Summary: Young Faramir has his first crush – no, not on Boromir. He writes a letter with a confession, but has doubts over its content, and asks his older brother for second opinion. As Boromir listens to Faramir’s impassioned reading, he realises with a shock that he would like his little brother to express these feelings for him – but is a little too stunned by this sudden revelation to actually voice it just now. So time goes by, and an elated and unsuspecting Faramir keeps Boromir posted re the rapid developments in his first love affair. Well, what will Boromir’s internal struggle come to? Will he ever dare voice his feelings? And if he does, what will come out of it? Faramir is, after all, already in love…
Categories: FPS, FPS > Boromir/Faramir, FPS > Faramir/? Characters: None
Summary: Faramir is annoyed by Aragorn’s inability to comprehend why it bothers him so much that the King shares his bed with other men besides Faramir. Yes, Aragorn grew up with the Elves, whose ways are freer – but Faramir is no Elf. And the Steward decides to give Aragorn a dose of his own medicine by spending a night with – you decide who. In the end I would like one of them to see the other’s point – but whether it is Aragorn or Faramir who changes his views is up to you.
Categories: FPS, FPS > Aragorn/?, FPS > Aragorn/Faramir, FPS > Faramir/? Characters: None
Summary: Faramir and Eowyn are experimenting with spicing up their intimate life. After some milder things, Faramir dares confess his fantasy of bringing a third party into their marital bed. To his delight and rather strong surprise, his wife is not insulted at all, but greets the idea with such enthusiasm that even promises to arrange everything herself. Imagine the degree Faramir’s surprise reaches when she brings along not another Rohirrim lady, like he had assumed by default that she would – but, as you have guessed, another man. But, well, much as he is bewildered, Faramir cannot call it off, for she had accepted his desire to lie with two women simultaneously – he has to play fair… It can’t be any of their blood relatives, but any other Man – or Elf – is fine.
Categories: FPS, FPS > Faramir/? Characters: None
Summary: After struggling for a year, Aragorn and Faramir eventually break up, Aragorn having found it all a little too complicated, given Faramir’s well-known issues. But then, as the King witnesses his ex-lover develop a new, and obviously wholesome and happy relationship with someone else, he begins to have second thoughts…
Categories: FPS, FPS > Aragorn/Faramir, FPS > Faramir/? Characters: None