
A Wedding Gift by Emma Keigh

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar
Summary: In TA 2976,Legolas attends the wedding of the son of Gondor's Steward as Thranduil's ambassador, and makes an unusual wedding gift.
Category: FPS, FPS > Denethor/Legolas, FPS > Legolas/Denethor
Characters: Denethor, Legolas
Type: PWP
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 3493 | Read count: 1045

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Published: April 20, 2008 | Updated: April 20, 2008

Legolas' Gift by Estel Baggins, Elfbean

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar
Summary: As Aragorn's slave from a young age, Legolas changes many lives, among them Aragorn's and his own.
Category: FPS > Legolas/Denethor, FPS, FPS > Aragorn/Legolas, FPS > Legolas/Aragorn, FPS > Elladan/Glorfindel, FPS > Glorfindel/Elladan, FPS > Elrond/Glorfindel, FPS > Glorfindel/Elrond, FPS > Elrohir/Glorfindel, FPS > Glorfindel/Elrohir, FPS > Aragorn/Glorfindel, FPS > Glorfindel/Aragorn, FPS > Denethor/Legolas
Characters: Aragorn, Elladan, Elrohir, Elrond, Glorfindel, Legolas
Type: None
Warning: Disturbing themes, Non-con, Rape
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 89 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 462560 | Read count: 38131

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Published: August 06, 2012 | Updated: August 07, 2012