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Summary: After being banished from Rohan, Éomer is overcome with anger, frustration, and hopelessness. He takes off on his horse and rides like the devil; rides hard and fast until he and his horse almost collapse. He stops to rest and is discovered by Elrohir, while he is out on one of his Orc-hunts. Elrohir takes pity on Éomer, he himself being wracked with pain and anger over his mother's torture and subsequent departure from Middle-Earth. Elrohir takes Éomer back to Rivendell to find solace from his pain (can anyone say H/C?). The two fall in love and Elrohir convinces the horse-lord that the best way to overcome his pain, and to not let Saruman win, is to gather the other riders who are loyal to Rohan and fight for his country, whether his King aides him or not.
Categories: FPS Characters: Elrohir, Éomer