

Against the Wall by Hyel

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Angelica and Pervinca, inspired by and dedicated to the incomparable Dana.
Category: Fanart
Characters: Pervinca
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1 | Read count: 1715

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Published: October 06, 2008 | Updated: October 06, 2008

Hiding Place by Hyel

Rated: General Audience [Reviews - 0] starstarstarstarstar
Summary: *hides her face* This picture insisted until I drew it. And the stupid joke. I'm so sorry.

Pervinca Took and Rosie Cotton
Category: Fanart
Characters: Pervinca, Rosie
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1 | Read count: 1818

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Published: October 06, 2008 | Updated: October 06, 2008

Marigold and Pervinca by Hyel

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Marigold Gamgee and Pervinca Took, inspired by Attending to a Took by Dana.
Category: Fanart
Characters: Marigold Gamgee, Pervinca
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1 | Read count: 520

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Published: October 06, 2008 | Updated: October 06, 2008

Rosie and Pervinca by Hyel

Rated: Mature Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: For once, a drawing that was never requested, is not dedicated, and came out all on its own.
Category: Fanart
Characters: Pervinca, Rosie
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1 | Read count: 301

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Published: October 08, 2008 | Updated: October 08, 2008

Rosie and Pervinca - French Postcard by Hyel

Rated: Mature Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Rosie and Pervinca.
Category: Fanart
Characters: Pervinca, Rosie
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1 | Read count: 241

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Published: October 08, 2008 | Updated: October 08, 2008

Rosie Cotton and Pervinca Took by Hyel

Rated: General Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Rosie Cotton and Pervinca Took. As usual, this is entirely Dana's fault. Corresponding fiction: The Tookish Lad and A Likely Lad by Ruby Nye and this image's original inspiration, Flustered by Dana!
Category: Fanart
Characters: Pervinca, Rosie
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1 | Read count: 1286

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Published: October 07, 2008 | Updated: October 07, 2008

Vinca Cuts In by Hyel

Rated: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Pervinca and Rosie. Drawn by request of Ruby Nye - she asked for "some set of Sam, Rosie and Pervinca kissing, with Sam looking surprised".
Category: Fanart
Characters: Pervinca, Rosie
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1 | Read count: 1675

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Published: October 08, 2008 | Updated: October 08, 2008