You always were the one to show me how
Back then I couldn't do the things that I can do now
This thing is slowly taking me apart
Grey would be the colour if I had a heart
Come on tell me
You make this all go away
You make this all go away
I'm down to just one thing
And I'm starting to scare myself
You make this all go away
You make this all go away
I just want something
I just want something I can never have
In this place it seems like such a shame
Though it all looks different now,
I know it's still the same
Everywhere I look you're all I see
Just a fading fucking reminder of whom I used to be
--Nine inch Nails – Something I can never have
The plains
"Legolas, don't!" Elladan yelled and ran after the elfling over the open plains, not caring if he was caught. Right now all that was in his mind was that Legolas was running from him. What had he done? He had not wanted to frighten the little elf. He kept pleading while he ran, getting closer to Legolas by the minute.
When Legolas dared a look over his shoulder, he saw Elladan come closer. He gasped and tried to increase his speed, but even though he was an elf, he was only a little one, and his stamina was gone long before Elladan's. Within seconds he felt a strong hand grip his shoulder hard, throwing him to the ground. "Now see what you did, you little brat!" Elladan yelled as a he shook the little elf hard.
"Pl-please, I.. I.. didn't me-mean," Legolas stuttered as he was shaken.
"Save your stupid excuses for someone who cares," Elladan hissed and stopped the shaking, just holding Legolas in a painfully hard grip. "You could have been spotted; you put us both in great danger, you little fool. Why don't you use that pretty little head of yours to think?"
"But.." Legolas protested, "Who should want to harm us?"
Elladan's mouth became a thin line as he spoke "Orcs, you stupid twat, that is why your brother and father are not coming here. They are afraid, Legolas... afraid, and they will never come for you, do you realise that?"
"Yes they will!" Legolas suddenly yelled, forgetting that he was afraid too. "Dina is afraid of no orc!"
"Then why is he not here, yet I am?" Elladan said with a harsh voice. "I am the only thing keeping you alive here, child, do not forget that!"
"You lie!" Legolas screamed. "He will come, he will find us!"
Smack The sound echoed as Elladan slapped Legolas across the face, and upon seeing the surprised facial expression on the little elf, he struck again. "Silence, silence, silence!" he kept yelling, striking the elf again and again.
When he suddenly stopped, looking at the frightened elf who was trembling and whimpering. He stopped just as abruptly as he had exploded. "By the Valar!" he gasped looking at the battered elfling. "What have I done? Oh no, what have I done?" he whispered, gathering the elfling in his arms, feeling tears stream down his cheeks. "I didn't mean this, please Legolas forgive me, I didn't mean to."
He sat rocking Legolas back ad forth, humming and crying and after some time he stopped and looked down at Legolas who now looked calmer. Elladan wiped his tears away with his sleeve and caressed the little elf's cheek. "Please little one, please forgive me," he whispered, but Legolas just looked at him with his large blue eyes. "I can show you how sorry I am," Elladan said and hit himself hard in the face. Legolas yelped with a pathetic sound and shook his head wildly. "Oh no, that was wrong too," Elladan whined and hugged the little elf again. "I can't do anything right," he whispered, "that is why Elrohir left me, I am all wrong, all wrong." The wee elf shook his head and attempted a smile. "Yes I am all stupid and wrong," Elladan said and stood up slowly, still holding Legolas.
The little elf pointed at the horse that walked towards them, and Elladan nodded. "Yes, we are going home, Legolas. Home, my precious little doll!"
Elrohir came back at dusk, looking even paler than Dinalu had looked earlier. Unlike Elrohir, Dinalu almost flew out the chair and looked hopefully at Elrohir, but as Elrohir shook his head, he slumped and sighed. "Nothing at all?" he whispered.
"Nay," Elrohir whispered back and wrapped his arms around his lover.
"I was afraid so." The Mirkwood prince rested his head on Elrohir's shoulder. "And the rest of the search party?"
"Gone home," Elrohir answered. "Home to rest and see their families."
Dinalu sighed. "I don't understand, he was right there playing, and then he was gone." The blond closed his eyes and recalled the image of Legolas and his little rocks on the grass. "do you think..."
"Think what?" Elrohir whispered back and kissed Dinalu's golden hair.
"Perhaps a bear..." Dinalu said in a small voice.
"No," Elrohir said. "They do not come this close to civilization. This would mean that Legolas would have had to have travelled deep into the forest."
"He would not have done so alone," Dinalu answered.
"I don't think so either," Elrohir said and let go of his lover. "Come, you need to have something to eat my love, then we can take the horses and look further if you wish."
Dinalu shook his head, much to Elrohir's surprise. "No, I want to see my father first."
"He is in the healer's talan," Elrohir stated. "He is not well, Dinalu."
"Then all the more reason to go see him," the prince said and crossed his arms over his chest. "I will go see him, and then we will search more."
"No, you eat, Dinalu, before we search you must eat," Elrohir said and held a hand out towards his lover. "What good would you be if you dropped off your horse from fatigue and lack of nourishment?"
"Alright," the Mirkwood prince almost sneered, "but if I must eat, you must sleep."
"Point taken," Elrohir said dryly and turned to leave.
Dinalu paled. "Elrohir?" he said with a softer tone. "I'm sorry."
The Rivendell elf turned and smiled at the blond. "'Tis alright, you are just worried about Legolas and your father, and I am worn to the bone too."
Dinalu smiled. "This is why I love you."
"Because I am tired? Or because I am stubborn?" Elrohir said with a grin.
"No silly, because we think so much alike, my love." Dinalu laughed and walked over to his lover and wrapped an arm around his as they walked out the door together.
The plains
Elladan was moving towards Rivendell, and was increasingly worried, as Legolas had not uttered a word to him. He found himself missing the silly questions, yes even the whining. If Legolas did not begin to speak soon, he would have to look through some of the books of medicine his father had, to see if he could somehow make a potion that would cure the elfling.
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