You've been hanging from a rope of mediocrity
Strung up by your insecurities
You can shine for me
Somebody has to
Shine for me
It's difficult not to
Shine for me
Follow our stars under a painted sky
We'll leave the world behind
We're learning how to fly
We used to get by
Somebody has to
Shine for me.
-- Depeche Mode - Shine
Dinalu could see the watchtower of Meduseld from afar. He wondered what it would be like to meet Elrohir there. He had been doing some thinking on this trip. He didn't quite understand what had made him react like this; he had thought his heart to be closed toward his spouse - but Elrohir's pleading letter had pierced through all of his well built defenses, and he had discovered that the love still lingered there. And so he was on his way.
The butterflies welled up in his stomach as he got closer to the city of Rohan.
Elrohir spotted the horse from afar and he turned to Theodred, who was standing next to him. "It is Dinalu," he whispered.
Theodred squinted his eyes to see something. "Who? Where?" he shook his head and sighed. "How can you tell"?
"He is wearing the royal colours of Mirkwood, of course," Elrohir stated and smiled a sad smile. "You should go and greet him."
"Me?" Theodred said, surprised. "It should be 'you' who greets him."
"I." Elrohir sighed, "I don't know what to say."
"I will fetch my father, and you will go greet your husband," Theodred said, and upon seeing Elrohir's wavering expression he added, "That is a direct order."
The dark-haired elf nodded in annoyance. "Of course," he whispered and left the large platform.
He stood at the gate of Rohan and waited. He watched the rider come closer, and he 'knew' Dinalu had seen him as well. He felt his heart twitch at the sight. It was easy to be annoyed with him when he was not there, but now when he was within his sight, he could only feel his heart swell with loneliness.
Suddenly he was there. Elrohir nearly panicked when his husband got off his horse and walked towards him. "Greetings, Elrohir of Rivendell," he said and bowed slightly.
"Prince Dinalu of Mirkwood," Elrohir said as he clasped his hands behind his back so Dinalu would not see how much he trembled.
"You sent for me," Dinalu said.
"Yes," Elrohir said, his voice just above a whisper before he offered a professional smile. "Come, I will take you to see King Theoden."
Dinalu followed Elrohir. "Did you summon me all the way from Mirkwood to see King Theoden?"
"No," Elrohir admitted, "but you need to see him first"
Both elves emerged from the great hall at the same time, and Dinalu turned towards his husband. "Elrohir?" he said softly, "did you really send for me to aid you with the mystery elf?"
Elrohir looked up at Dinalu with an unreadable smile. "Yes and no," he said.
Dinalu cupped Elrohir's face and smiled sadly. "Then tell me, why did you send for me, and not for one of your fathers advisors?"
"Because," Elrohir whispered and swallowed hard, "I had my reasons."
Dinalu let go of Elrohir. "I am sure you did," he sneered as he turned away in an angry move. "I cant believe I came all the way to Rohan for you," he hissed as he moved away.
"Wait," Elrohir said out loud and held out a hand towards his husband.
Dinalu turned around and looked at his husband.
"I." Elrohir started as he let his stretched out hand fall to his side. "I am really grateful that you came."
"Anything for my bonded mate," Dinalu spat.
"What is wrong with us?" Elrohir suddenly whispered and took a step towards Dinalu. "Is there really no love left?"
Dinalu looked up and down Elrohir. "I.I don't know the answer to that, Elrohir," he said. "Look at you!" Dinalu made a gesture at Elrohir. "You look like a man!"
"What are you saying?" Elrohir whispered.
"I am saying you look like a man, not an elf," Dinalu answered sadly. "You wear their clothes, you even braid your hair like one."
"I did not know," Elrohir said as he began to fumble with the end of his single plait.
"I rest my case," Dinalu whispered as he turned around once more.
Just then Theodred came down the large corridor with Legolas at his side. "There you are, Elrohir," he called. "We were looking for you."
Elrohir turned and looked at the couple with a faint smile. "Theodred, Ferret," he said softly, "meet Dinalu." He gestured towards the blond elf next to him.
Theodred nearly lost his jaw as he gazed at the blond elf. Other than Ferret, Theodred had never seen a real elf before. And this Mirkwood elf was even more beautiful than Elrohir and Ferret together. "He is your.."
"Husband, yes," Elrohir said with a little nod before he turned to Dinalu. "This is why I called you. Take a close look at the elf at Prince Theodred's side."
Dinalu took a step forward, and stared at Legolas, until Legolas shook his head. "Dinalu?" he whispered.
Dinalu blinked rapidly. "Legolas?"
Legolas beamed. "Dinalu," he repeated.
"By the Valar! You live, it is really you!" Dinalu gasped and opened his arms for Legolas as he moved into an embrace he had missed for hundreds of years.
Theodred moved to stand next to Elrohir and together they watched the two brothers reunite for the first time in many mortal lifetimes.
"We should leave," Theodred whispered with a thick voice.
"Yes," Elrohir whispered back but was reluctant to leave. This whole scene gave him a sting in his heart. What they had lost between them, he felt like he had given Dinalu back ten fold.
Theodred yanked Elrohir's arm and the half elf turned to follow. He would speak with Dinalu later.
As they walked away Theodred whispered, "What now?"
"It is all left up to Dinalu," Elrohir whispered back, but upon seeing Theodred's anxious face he added, "If Legolas really loves you, then you have nothing to worry about, little one."
"Legolas." Theodred mumbled. "It will be strange to call him that."
Elrohir smiled. "It means green leaf."
"I still like Ferret better," Theodred sulked.
As Elrohir came to his chambers he noticed a scroll on his desk. It bore the seal of Rivendell. "Oh father, what now?" he sighed as he sat down to open the letter.
As he read it tears streamed down his face. "You should have told me, ada," he whispered to himself.
He stood up and slammed his fist into the large desk, not knowing how to get rid of his anger. He did not even hear the door open, but he stopped abruptly when he saw Dinalu standing in the door with Legolas.
"Elrohir," Dinalu said and stepped up to his husband.
"What?" Elrohir sighed.
"How long did you know my baby brother was alive?" Dinalu asked as he leaned in over the table looking icily at Elrohir.
"I wasn't sure," Elrohir, said, ignoring the cold glare from his beloved husband. "I wrote you as soon as I was somewhat sure it was him."
"I know what you are doing, Elrohir!" Dinalu sneered. "You are covering for your deranged brother once more."
Now Elrohir stood up and pushed Dinalu away from the desk. "You can call me all the names in the world, you can say you hate me, you can break out bonding vows, but don't take my brothers name in vain."
"I am taking Legolas home to Mirkwood with me," Dinalu said and placed his palms on the desk once more. "Far, far away from you and your kin."
Elrohir blinked and tried his hardest not to look hurt. "As you wish; he is no longer my responsibility." He looked over at Legolas who stood timidly behind his angry brother. "I am sorry Legolas, Ferret."
"Fine," Dinalu said and turned to leave.
Suddenly Elrohir threw his ink bottle across the room. "If I had known it would be like this, I would have dumped him off at the borders of Mirkwood," he cried.
"Maybe you should have," Dinalu answered calmly.
Elrohir sat down in his chair once more. "Leave me," he whispered, his voice breaking.
Dinalu walked to the door and pushed Legolas gently in front of him. He then turned to Elrohir once more. "If your brother hurt him in 'any' way, I will hunt down that insane mongrel myself and kill him, you have my word."
Elrohir didn't answer but just rested his head in his hands and sobbed; you won't have to search long to find him, he thought to himself, flinching as the door slammed shut.
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