The Final Lament by S Star
Summary: A narrative poem illustrating some revelations and last moments between the Man and his Elf.
Categories: FPS > Legolas/Aragorn, FPS, FPS > Aragorn/Legolas Characters: Aragorn, Legolas
Type: None
Warning: Character Death
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 543 Read: 822 Published: August 30, 2012 Updated: August 30, 2012
Story Notes:
Warning: Character death (hence the rating), but it's really not all that bad, plus it's a poem, and you can't really do graphic death scenes in rhyming couplets!

Inspired by GregsterC's songs, which became my, his and Declamatio's 'Musical Misadventures of Legolas Greenleaf'. Declamatio wrote the first 2 lines.

Also, this is my first LotR fic. Who'da thought it would be a slash poem? Anyway, feedback is welcome! REALLY welcome!

1. Chapter 1 by S Star

Chapter 1 by S Star
Aragorn said to the blond elf,
'I'll kill you, then kill myself.'
Legolas said, 'Well, that seems fair,
But I fear it may mess up my hair.'
The Ranger said, 'Meleth, do not fear,
Just tuck the hair behind your ear.'
He frowned, 'But that won't look the same--
Estel, what if you miss your aim?'
'If I do, I'll fire a score
Of further arrows, maybe more
Until, at last, my aim is true.
Tell me, does that bother you?'
The Elf could barely say a word.
'But Aragorn, wouldn't that hurt?'
'I have some lavender in my pack,
Which, if placed across the back,
Can numb all but a fatal wound.
Are we gonna do this anytime soon?'
Legolas nodded; his fate was sealed,
But when would the reasons be revealed?
'Melethron-nīn, please tell me how,
If you love me, you can kill me now.'
'When you are dead, I'll kill myself...
Do you see now, my darling Elf?'
'No, Estel, I fear I can't.
I thought that love was like a plant,
That will bloom when treated best,
Not destroyed, as you suggest.
And why must I die first, dear Man,
When I have arrows close at hand
And would kill you quickly, with one blow,
Lacking the pain you would bestow?'
'Because I'm the King, nīn mellon,
And I give orders from now on.
To make our mark, we now must die,
And the trees around will cry,
And our tale will then live on,
A tale of love so pure, yet wrong,
And people then will mourn our passing...
Our legend will be everlasting!'
Legolas had tears in his eyes,
But choked them back, and instead cried,
'Wouldn't it be more inspiring,
To see the love that you and I bring
Thriving, living, growing more?
They'll hear our tale from shore to shore!
And then your people will believe
That love, whate'er its kind, may live
If treated with the right respect,
Like a delicate tree, or small insect,
That struggles just as it starts out,
And then its beauty shines about!'
'Listen to your talk of the trees!
You love the forest over me!'
'Nay, Aragorn, that is not true!
I love nothing more than you,
But still I do not understand
This matter that we hold at hand.'
Strider heaved a mighty sigh,
And sat on a log, his Elf nearby,
Before he started to explain
Why he would give such a death
To the one whom he loved best.
And then he too lost all his words...
And in the silence, all he heard
Was the breath of Legolas,
Who, so soon, would breathe his last.
And then he saw that he was wrong,
Their love would only last as long
As he held on and gave his heart,
And didn't drive the two apart.
Suddenly, he hugged the Elf
That he loved more than life itself.
'Amin mela lle,' he said,
But the one whom he held...was dead.
Eyes burned with tears as he turned to see
An orc, bow drawn, behind each tree.
He let out a cry of despair,
And lay beside his lover fair,
And let the orcs do what they would,
For waiting, in Heaven, his melethron stood.
End Notes:
Ok, that's it...feel free to bombard me with e-mails! Really! I mean it!
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