Summary: Lies aren't always what they seem.
Categories: FPS > Elrohir/Erestor, FPS, FPS > Erestor/Elrohir Characters: Elrohir, Erestor
Type: None
Warning: Angst
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 956 Read: 1685
Published: June 01, 2009 Updated: June 01, 2009
Story Notes:
Written for Melethen's Whisper Challenge (Short story).
1. Chapter 1 by Erviniae
The full moon brightly shone through the arched window; shadows dancing upon the stone walls. A faint ocean breeze lightly played with gauzy curtains of sheerest coral. The sound of waves lapsing upon the white shores soothed many a soul, but not his. Not this night, nor any night since its passing under his booted feet, near a thousand years before. He had been dreaming of a time long ago, eyes gray and warm, of love and loss.
He woke up to a tolling of bells. Bells? By the rise of the moon, midnight was nigh, and yet he heard them louder still. And then the house came to life, voices shouting, lamps lighting, until a knock came upon his chamber door. Hurriedly, he arose in naught but leggings and answered its call. Elrond stood upon the other side, for it was his house in which he still dwelt, in his lord's house that he still served, even upon the White Shores.
Elrond's face was streaked with tears and Erestor trembled. His lord never cried, not even when he said his farewells to all he left behind. "They have come." He whispered as his chin trembled while speaking. And then he was gone down the hall.
Erestor hastily threw on a soft shirt of deepest emerald, not bothering to lace up the neck. Barefooted, he walked slowly amidst the excited air that whirled around him caused by Elves in all forms of disarray and hope. Though time seemed to slow around him, every passing window threw a guilty memory against hair as black as night.
Smiling, his lover strode into his office, sitting elegantly upon the opposing chair. Holding up the note that was given to him by messenger, he crossed his legs, one over the other, fluidly. "You wished to see me?"
"Aye. There is something I wish to discuss with you." His lover nodded, waiting.
"I do not love you."
"You lie." Elrohir smirked easily.
"Nay, I do not." Erestor answered with a calm façade.
"You have been a wonderfulr30; distractionr30;. but I have grown tired of our tryst, Elrohir, and do not wish it to continue further."
Nervous laughter filled the room, even as his heart began to break. "This is a sad attempt at humor, Erestor. I do not like it." Elrohir whispered.
"I do not jest. It is done. I grow weary of you. Oh, it was sweet while it lasted, but I no longer desire you."
Gray eyes filled with hurt, swam before his vision. "You lie."
"Nay, I do not. You mean nothing to me. A distraction to fill my nights, that is all."
"Stop. Why do you play such a game on me?"
"The game, I have played, and you, you were my pawn. I grow tired of it now and seek to move on." Erestor stoically answered.
"No." Elrohir shook his head, his eyes peering into Erestor's soul, "You lie."
"Why do you think I never told anyone of us? Hmnn? Do you think it is because I feared? Do you think it because I wished to keep you all for myself?" Here Erestor had laughed cruelly, just a little smirk, but enough to bring the young lord to his feet.
Elrohir's eyes blazed with anger, but his tone belied his grief. Even as a fist fell upon the marbled desk, the softest voice spat, "You lie." The next moment found Erestor alone. That was the last he spoke to his once lover. The last he saw those haunted eyes.
The sands were filled with two rows of lighted torches; a pathway of radiance to greet loved ones home. The ship's passengers were slowly leaving one world behind to step anew onto another. Elrond's household stood waiting, his lord and lady leaning one upon the other for support.
He stood in the back, near some brush, his heart in his throat as he watched the reunion unfold before him. He heard Celebrían yell, "Ada," as she ran into her father's arms. Both Celeborn and Elrond held her as she trembled as she saw twin sons before her: each swept their mother into their arms, only to do the same to their father. For a time, the family stayed closely huddled, no doubt learning of their daughter's fate. Celebrían let go a sob, which broke the hearts of all in attendance.
Erestor turned to go back to the house, leaving the family alone, and thanking the Valar for their safe return. He sighed heavily, though his heart felt somehow lighter. Almost upon reaching his door, he had an impulsive urge to look back. In doing so, he froze. Standing within a few feet of him was Elrohir. He never heard him. The Ranger in him was strong. In a blur he found himself pinned against the cold stone wall.
Warm breath inches from his face. Gray eyes filled with pain looked once again into his. "Why?" The question whispered against his mind. "And this time, the truth you will speak, Elf!"
Erestor trembled, remembering the night before he had had that fateful note delivered. They lay in the blissful aftermath of a night of love. Elrohir, whispering the words of sailing with him: Speaking the words of love. He had to stop him. He had to make him stay.
"Because she couldn't be left alone." He whispered back.
Elrohir's eyes bored into Erestor's, never wavering, and neither sensing all around them that where watching the scene unfolding before them.
"Nothing less would have made you stay."
"So, you lied."
"I did."
Soft lips smashed against his hungrily, the kiss seemed to last a lifetime before it ended. "I love you." Erestor whispered.
"As do I."
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.