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Reviews For The Early Years
Name: Lulu (Signed) · Date: August 03, 2015 06:38 pm · For: The Early Years: Pillow Talk
omg, I love all the stories you write, they are so good. Princes Three has been one of my favorite LOTR series to read. Thank you for writing them!! <3
Also I was wondering if you are ever going to write about Glorfindel's triad?
Name: sian22 (Anonymous) · Date: May 23, 2015 08:53 am · For: The Early Years: For the Sake of Friendship
This is just so lovely and alluring all at once. The images vivid and finely drawn but it is the emotions that ensare...past and present and future intertwinned in many bonds
Thank you so much for it
Name: XsamakiX (Anonymous) · Date: October 28, 2014 08:31 pm · For: The Early Years: For the Sake of Friendship
I saw that this story had no reviews and that made me feel pretty bad since such good work needs some kind of recognition and praise. I've read all of the stories on your profile (many, many times)and they were all amazing beyond words. I haven't read The Lord Of The Rings for years, so when I first ran across your work, I had absolutely no idea who most of the characters were (for example, Glorfindel, Elladan, Elrohir, Erestor). You really brought those characters to life for me as I could not remember anything about them form the original books. If it wasn't for your work being set in Middle Earth and the characters having the same names that Tolkien gave them, I would have thought that they were a professional set of published novels. You are by far my favourite author in the fandom (I'm actually finding myself nearly incapable of reading fanfiction from other authors that write these pairings because I've fallen so in love with your versions of the characters). There is so much more that I could say about how fantastic this series is, but I just don't have enough time to say it all. I may comment again on some of your other work if I get the chance. I just wanted to tell you that your work is better than almost anything that I've ever read. I almost lost the will to live after I'd finished reading The Princess Three for the fist time as all other fanfiction authors (and even some published authors) seemed to have a more immature style of writing and failed to captivate me even half as much as you did.
Thank You. ^-^
I saw that this story had no reviews and that made me feel pretty bad since such good work needs some kind of recognition and praise. I've read all of the stories on your profile (many, many times)and they were all amazing beyond words. I haven't read The Lord Of The Rings for years, so when I first ran across your work, I had absolutely no idea who most of the characters were (for example, Glorfindel, Elladan, Elrohir, Erestor). You really brought those characters to life for me as I could not remember anything about them form the original books. If it wasn't for your work being set in Middle Earth and the characters having the same names that Tolkien gave them, I would have thought that they were a professional set of published novels. You are by far my favourite author in the fandom (I'm actually finding myself nearly incapable of reading fanfiction from other authors that write these pairings because I've fallen so in love with your versions of the characters). There is so much more that I could say about how fantastic this series is, but I just don't have enough time to say it all. I may comment again on some of your other work if I get the chance. I just wanted to tell you that your work is better than almost anything that I've ever read. I almost lost the will to live after I'd finished reading The Princess Three for the fist time as all other fanfiction authors (and even some published authors) seemed to have a more immature style of writing and failed to captivate me even half as much as you did.
Thank You. ^-^
Name: Vanwa Hravani (Anonymous) · Date: January 11, 2009 12:09 pm · For: The Early Years: Double or Nothing
Yummy. Love the description of hair like wet ink. It has not only visual, but tactile qualities. And Elrond. What can he say at this point? Well done.
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